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<Greeting Message> 

Mr Yoshio Mitsuyama

Chairman of Fukushima Prefectural Association in UK


In 2021, there will be the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. For this occasion, I would  like to express my deepest sorrow for those lost in the disaster and heart felt sympathy for their family.  

The Fukushima Prefectural Association in UK is hosting a virtual remembrance event. We would have liked to hold the event at a suitable location in London, but the prolonged Covid-19 pandemic has prevented us from doing so, and we have decided to hold the event online. However, we could say that the online event is a positive byproduct of the corona era, as it allows us to show our gratitude for Fukushima's ongoing recovery to a wider audience around the world without you having to come to the event.

For the people of Fukushima, it has been a decade of suffering and endurance, starting with the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident and continuing with the reputational damage. In spite of all this, there has been more and more positive news every year, such as Fukushima sake winning the top prize at the National Sake Competition for seven consecutive years and the safety of Fukushima rice and peaches being recognised and sold overseas. We can never express our gratitude enough for the support and cooperation we have received from people all over the world, and also the people of Fukushima for their tireless efforts. Furthermore, we are delighted to see that the younger generation is also actively involved in activities full of love for Fukushima, such as passing on traditional culture to future generations through Japanese traditional dance (nihonbuyo), mainly among children who have been affected by the disaster.

This event will last about an hour and is designed to inform our supporters about the current and future situation in Fukushima and express our gratitude for their support online.

We hope that you will be able to join us. We look forward to seeing you there and thank you for your continued support.

Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Fukushima Prefecture, Embassy of Japan in the UK, The Fukushima Minpo Newspaper publisher, Motomiya City, Futaba Town, Hirono Town, IIJ Europe, Abukuma Foods, Tazaki Food, and the London Prefectural Association’s volunteers for their generous support.

Yoshio Mitsuyama, Chairman of Fukushima Prefectural Association in UK 







最後になりますが開催に際し福島県をはじめ在英国日本大使館、福島民報、本宮市、双葉町、広野町、IIJ Europe、あぶくま食品、タザキフーズ、ロンドンしゃくなげ会有志ボランティアの皆さまの多大なるご協力を賜りましたこと、この場を借りて厚く御礼申し上げます。

​在英国福島県人会(ロンドンしゃくなげ会) 会長 満山 喜郎

Chairman of Fukushima Prefectural Association in UK, Mr Yoshio Mitsuyama: リスト
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